Thursday, May 2, 2013

ETIQUETTE (Cultural Notes)

11. In Mexico punctuality is not expected at social events such as parties and dinners. When invited to a party in a Mexican home, arrive at least 30 minutes late.

12. Never underestimate the importance of punctuality in German business culture. Arriving even five to ten minutes later than the appointed time is perceived as "Late", especially if you are a subordinate. Fifteen minutes would be considered a very serious faux pas and could mean a shaky start to any potential business relations.

13. The U.S. 'O.K.' sign [forming a circle with the thumb and forefinger] actually means 'zero' or 'useless' in France. The French 'O.K.' symbol is the North American 'thumbs up;' use this symbol to express approval.

14. Singapore is an exceptionally clean city, thanks to its very strict law enforcement policies. People who do not obey the laws are fined or imprisoned. This includes spitting, smoking in prohibited areas, chewing gum, and neglecting to flush a toilet.

15. The exchange of business cards is a ritual in Japan, have business cards with you at all times, ready to give out when necessary—to be without one at a meeting is a disaster. If someone gives you their card and you do not return the gesture, you are signaling that you are not interested in pursuing the relationship. During meetings, keep the card in front of you; putting it away is a signal that the meeting is over.

16. In most of the Middle Eastern countries Friday is the Islamic holiday and business is not transacted on that day, therefore, you should not include Friday in your business meetings.  

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